Thursday, August 17, 2006

Getting Through The Seasons of Life

I flicked on the light switch in my living room. It was getting dark, I observed. I peeped at the mantle clock. It was around 20:30. It seemed only a few weeks ago that it had been getting dark much later than this hour, I thought. Daylight hours were counting down with each passing week. Autumn (Fall) was slowly heading our way. I reckoned in just a few weeks time, we would be saying good-bye to long, hot summer days as equally long, cold winter nights make their way in.

Such are the climatic seasons. Each having it’s own unique characteristic. Isn’t it remarkable how we can compare these seasons to seasons of our own individual lives? We endure the cold, loooong, oh so long, stark winters when trials and adversity seem to be the daily menu. We make several attempts at sowing seeds of hope. Time passes. We persevere. Finally, a day comes when the buds of hope start to shoot through. Not too long after a full, beautiful bloom comes forth. Summer has arrived!

We do get through the hard times. And if only we are patient and faint not, our season does come too. Yes, there is a time for everything. We must not lose heart. Think on this, even in the winters of life, there is the beauty to be found. Isn't it fun building snowmen, after all?

I am learning to embrace each season. Because my time will come. It always does. I will bear fruit in due season. I have done so often in the past!

© August 2006


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