Monday, September 04, 2006

How Mature are You? Do You Obey God?

How obedient are you? When God tells you to do or not do something do you obey Him? Do you have to think things over first? Argue with Him, perhaps? Try to dissuade Him to change His mind?

Show me a mature Christian and I'll show you a Christian who obeys God. He or she obeys Him without reservation. Not because whatever sounds like a good idea. In fact, a lot of the time, it may not! Not because he or she has rationalized a concept and has concluded it all makes sense. You know too well how often you have tried to figure the wood from the trees!

God's ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. So why do we think we know more than God? The natural mind cannot understand spiritual matters, so why do we try to figure Him out? A lot of times we just cannot understand Him, so why do we try to? It's pointless. God will not share His glory with anyone.

Are you looking for answers to your prayers? Have you been praying relentlessly yet have received no answer? Ponder awhile and consider if you have stood still to hear that small voice. Maybe your answer lies in what He has been trying to whisper to you for so long.

God loves you so much. You are the apple of His eye. He has good plans for us. We may not see things clearly right now. He may not reveal His entire plan to us. But if we could just trust Him, obedience will be easy.

© September 2006


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