Thursday, June 28, 2007

Receving When We Pray

It is so interesting how often as Christians we pray but do not receive. What do I mean? Consider this illustration given by a well known preacher. He says praying without receiving is like a customer going to the bank asking the teller to withdraw money from his account and before the money has been handed over, the customer has turned his back and walked away! Sounds funny, almost hilarious doesn't it? But does that not ring true with most of us?

Well, therein lies the problem with our prayer life. If like the customer, we walk away from money that is rightfully ours, what would the teller do? He or she will put the money back into the account. Maybe you'll come back another time. It's yours after all! However, if every time you go to the bank and carry on the useless exercise of walking away before that critical handover...well.. that money is not going to be doing much for you except looking nice on paper. Ha!

In reality, the bank teller is like our Father, so willing to hand over what rightfully belongs to us - healing, salvation, finance...all our needs according to His wishes in glory by Christ Jesus. Alas! We submit our requests and don't even stop to listen to the Father say, "Wait a minute, I'll just process that for you." We have already made for the door. And not only that, all the way to the door, we are working out in our brains the job of the teller. "How is he going to access the computer to check my account? How is he going to count the money?" All the while the teller is calling you back, "Hey Miss. Hey Mister, I have your moneyyy...". But it's in vain. You can't hear the teller. Your thoughts have drowned out their call. Likewise, with our prayers we prematurely abort the process and even when the Father is correcting us, we are often too busy with our thoughts that we can't hear. Busy working out how our Father is going to do what we have asked Him.

STOP! It's His job to work it out. Just as is the teller's job to work it out how to give you your money. Is that not what he has been trained to do? God, has the answer. God, your Creator, my Creator who created ALL things is fully trained and equipped to hand out that healing, that money, that job, that child! Amen!

We have to receive when we ask. We do it all the time in our daily lives without thinking. We do it when we buy a sandwich, when we ask a favour from a friend, and so on. Can we not afford our loving Father the same 'privileges'? Sure we can.

Let us entrust our cares to Him today. And as we do so, let us reach out with open hands and receive. He would so love to put that 'thing' in your hands. Question though, are you ready to receive?

© June 2007


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