Thursday, September 07, 2006

Devotional - Weeping Endures For a Night

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Well, I have sure been down that familiar alley. Yes, I have woken up with a wet pillow. Wet from my tears of the night before. Tell me, who hasn’t in one way or the other?

God is an empathic God. When Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus died, Jesus wept. He felt the pain and sorrow of Lazarus siblings and was very moved by it all. And so there are other instances where Jesus was moved by compassion. His heart always went out to those in anguish.

God is still the same today. God still feels our pain and agony too. You are never alone with your tears. He is our Comforter.

Many say time is a healer. However, the Word of God says that God is our Healer. . The passing of time may bring healing of a kind but not total comfort, assurance and healing the way God does. Many people today seek alternative ways of lessening their pain, their worries and stresses through the popular wave of new age religions and such like. However, only God can soothe and bring us lasting hope. Hope where there is no hope. Wholeness where there is no cure. Restoration where there is lack. Only healing from God brings perfect peace.

A year is like a thousand years in God’s sight, a thousand year is but a year. What we must remember is that the morning does come. Don’t give up! If we put our trust in Him, He will wipe those tears away. In God’s perfect time, He will make right the wrong. He will bring renewed hope. And with hope, eventual joy.

Lord, I thank you for being such a compassionate God. Thank you for the hope of a renewed morning. You are indeed my healer, my Jehovah Rophe, for you wipe away my tears and bring me joy. In Jesus name, Amen.

The darkest hour is just before dawn. Hold on, your morning has come.

© September 2006


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