Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Devotional - All Things Work Together For Good

"And we know that all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28 part KJV)

I placed the saucepan on the stove. I was about to knock up a quick dinner. In went the oil, chicken breasts followed by some chopped vegetables and finally some sauce. I turned up the heat. The chicken sizzled. The vegetables hissed. The sauce hushed it all down. I was preparing a stir fry.

Moments later, I hungrily munched down my delicious mix of sorts with some steamed noodles. Afterwards, I sighed, patted my tummy appreciatively and smiled. I was satisfied. It had all worked together well.

Yet individually on their own, some of these same raw ingredients just would never have given me any amount of satisfaction. I could not imagine drinking a glass of sesame oil. Yuck! Nor could I imagine raw chicken breasts being exactly palatable. Come on now! Okay, healthy cultivation of habits have eventually taught me to enjoy a raw carrot or two. Granted! And as for uncooked noodles, now that would take a bit of teeth grinding to get down my throat. Where's that number of my dentist again?

But that is how it is with life, with our walk with God. We go through some difficult times. Mucky times (the oil). Times we want to chicken out (the chicken). Raw times (the vegetables). Dry, grinding times (the noodles). Things sizzle as the enemy turns up the heat. We hiss out in pain. But as it all gets mixed together, as we place our trust in God, something beautiful meanwhile is brewing. As the Holy Spirit adds the sauce, everything hushes down and flavours the combination. It looks nice. It smells delicious. Dinner is served!

Heavenly Father, thank you for working all these together in my life for my eventual good. In trying times, help me to trust you knowing that when dinner is ready, I would be satisfied. In Jesus' name. Amen.

© September 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant use of everyday narrative to get across the point that all things work together for good. It may not always appear so but the end result in us is worth the experiences.

2:53 PM  

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