Friday, September 22, 2006

Reflections - My Omnipresent Shepherd

Yesterday was a beautiful day. A bright, sunny September, temperatures soaring to nearly thirty degrees Celsius. Well, twenty-eight to be exact. Regardless it was pleasantly warm and cheery. I decided to take a walk during my lunch break.

It seemed like everyone had caught on to my idea too. Everyone seemed to be out and about. I passed a field, one I had not noticed before. I saw sheep apparently basking in the afternoon heat. I looked around to see if I could catch sight of their 'shepherd'. My eyes could not locate him/her. Maybe, their shepherd was in some nearby field, I thought.

I thought of my own Shepherd. Jesus. That's His name. He was right there besides me. Taking a stroll with me. I could not see Him but I knew He was with me. I thought how amazing that Jesus could be in more than one 'field' at the same time. He is after all omnipresent. That means He is present everywhere. Always by my side.

'My' sheep in the field looked content and tranquil however. It was a lovely day after all. I hoped their shepherd was not too far away in case they had any needs. Shame their shepherd was not omnipresent like mine.

See more of my reflections on
© September 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

God is Not a Bulldozer

I have often wondered what was the purpose of forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. How about you? God had given Adam and Eve all they needed for life. Endowed in the garden were lush fruits of all descriptions, tastes, textures, sizes.. you name it, it was there. Adam and Eve could eat anything to their heart's content. However, there was one fruit they were expressly commanded not to eat and that was the fruit on the forbidden tree.

Human logic would dictate that perhaps it might have been easier to have not included this tree in the garden, right? Had it not been for the cost of that bite, perhaps you and I would have been in Eden today lining our stomaches with delights we cannot not even fathom yet see in our supermarkets today. Had that tree not been in the garden, there would have been no temptation meaning sin would not have been birthed. So why the tree? What was it's purpose?

Like so many other puzzling or unanswered questions, maybe my questions above are to be included on my list of questions I can't wait to ask my Maker when I depart from this life. However, I know that above all God is, God is also a God of choice. And that means He has given every human being a free will. A free will to select their own options. And that included the free will Adam and Eve had regarding the forbidden fruit. Theirs was a choice to either live or die. They instead chose to die.

God will never force His will on any person. Period. He is not a bulldozer, forcing His way into our lives and decisions. Even though He created us, even though He reigns with power and might, God never 'abuses' His power. God is a gentle King, sitting and waiting patiently for you and I to make the right choices. It is up to us what we choose. Is it to live or die?

© September 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Don't Eat Your Seed - Part 2

We have established in Part 1 of the message 'Don't Eat Your Seed', ( that God has given each of us a seed. A package for our earthly journey. A seed to sow, grow and flow. Sow in faith. Grow in love, patience and endurance. Flow in abundance. Not using this seed we reasoned, meant eating our seed. Swallowing our investment towards the God-given destiny that the enemy is trying to take away from us.

But eating our seed not just hinders our future. Eating our seed can also hinder someone else's destiny. Imagine for example, your seed to be a gift of caring. If you only cared for yourself, no doubt you would be well groomed, healthy, shining, gleaning and all the benefits that come with caring. To friends and critics alike, you would be greatly or secretly admired. If this caring nature, however did not extend to the dying world out there, alas you are merely like a hidden, lighted candle. Glowing in it's own little corner, bringing light to a confined area only. Yet, bringing that candle out in the open, illuminates a greater darkness in the same way a caring person reaches out to the hungry and suffering would.

God has given you a seed (or seeds) to equip you and others. As you reach out with that talent and use it for others, God begins to multiply your harvest several fold. In using that seed, you are furthering His kingdom. And you will find more seeds begin to supernaturally come forth. All because you have dared to reach out with your seed.

If John Wesley, Billy Graham, T D Jakes, David Cho, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Florence Nightingale, to name a few, had eaten their seed, where would we find these names in the hero pages of our History books today? The world is looking for people with seeds. Don't eat yours. Remember to use yours to bless others!

© September 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Devotional - Weeping Endures For a Night

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Well, I have sure been down that familiar alley. Yes, I have woken up with a wet pillow. Wet from my tears of the night before. Tell me, who hasn’t in one way or the other?

God is an empathic God. When Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus died, Jesus wept. He felt the pain and sorrow of Lazarus siblings and was very moved by it all. And so there are other instances where Jesus was moved by compassion. His heart always went out to those in anguish.

God is still the same today. God still feels our pain and agony too. You are never alone with your tears. He is our Comforter.

Many say time is a healer. However, the Word of God says that God is our Healer. . The passing of time may bring healing of a kind but not total comfort, assurance and healing the way God does. Many people today seek alternative ways of lessening their pain, their worries and stresses through the popular wave of new age religions and such like. However, only God can soothe and bring us lasting hope. Hope where there is no hope. Wholeness where there is no cure. Restoration where there is lack. Only healing from God brings perfect peace.

A year is like a thousand years in God’s sight, a thousand year is but a year. What we must remember is that the morning does come. Don’t give up! If we put our trust in Him, He will wipe those tears away. In God’s perfect time, He will make right the wrong. He will bring renewed hope. And with hope, eventual joy.

Lord, I thank you for being such a compassionate God. Thank you for the hope of a renewed morning. You are indeed my healer, my Jehovah Rophe, for you wipe away my tears and bring me joy. In Jesus name, Amen.

The darkest hour is just before dawn. Hold on, your morning has come.

© September 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Devotional - All Things Work Together For Good

"And we know that all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28 part KJV)

I placed the saucepan on the stove. I was about to knock up a quick dinner. In went the oil, chicken breasts followed by some chopped vegetables and finally some sauce. I turned up the heat. The chicken sizzled. The vegetables hissed. The sauce hushed it all down. I was preparing a stir fry.

Moments later, I hungrily munched down my delicious mix of sorts with some steamed noodles. Afterwards, I sighed, patted my tummy appreciatively and smiled. I was satisfied. It had all worked together well.

Yet individually on their own, some of these same raw ingredients just would never have given me any amount of satisfaction. I could not imagine drinking a glass of sesame oil. Yuck! Nor could I imagine raw chicken breasts being exactly palatable. Come on now! Okay, healthy cultivation of habits have eventually taught me to enjoy a raw carrot or two. Granted! And as for uncooked noodles, now that would take a bit of teeth grinding to get down my throat. Where's that number of my dentist again?

But that is how it is with life, with our walk with God. We go through some difficult times. Mucky times (the oil). Times we want to chicken out (the chicken). Raw times (the vegetables). Dry, grinding times (the noodles). Things sizzle as the enemy turns up the heat. We hiss out in pain. But as it all gets mixed together, as we place our trust in God, something beautiful meanwhile is brewing. As the Holy Spirit adds the sauce, everything hushes down and flavours the combination. It looks nice. It smells delicious. Dinner is served!

Heavenly Father, thank you for working all these together in my life for my eventual good. In trying times, help me to trust you knowing that when dinner is ready, I would be satisfied. In Jesus' name. Amen.

© September 2006

Monday, September 04, 2006

How Mature are You? Do You Obey God?

How obedient are you? When God tells you to do or not do something do you obey Him? Do you have to think things over first? Argue with Him, perhaps? Try to dissuade Him to change His mind?

Show me a mature Christian and I'll show you a Christian who obeys God. He or she obeys Him without reservation. Not because whatever sounds like a good idea. In fact, a lot of the time, it may not! Not because he or she has rationalized a concept and has concluded it all makes sense. You know too well how often you have tried to figure the wood from the trees!

God's ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. So why do we think we know more than God? The natural mind cannot understand spiritual matters, so why do we try to figure Him out? A lot of times we just cannot understand Him, so why do we try to? It's pointless. God will not share His glory with anyone.

Are you looking for answers to your prayers? Have you been praying relentlessly yet have received no answer? Ponder awhile and consider if you have stood still to hear that small voice. Maybe your answer lies in what He has been trying to whisper to you for so long.

God loves you so much. You are the apple of His eye. He has good plans for us. We may not see things clearly right now. He may not reveal His entire plan to us. But if we could just trust Him, obedience will be easy.

© September 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Benefits of A Mature Christian

When I was a child I could not wait to grow up. I wanted to make my own decisions. I wanted to make my own choices. I would have the right to vote. I would own my own house. I would be able to drive, YES! I would be able to do literally as I please, my childish brain reasoned. I just couldn't wait to turn eighteen.

Most children are not to dissimilar to me as a child. We all laugh now as adults that being grown up carries many responsibilities such as paying bills (hello!), earning a living and so on. However, from a child's standpoint the benefits of so-called freedom are very appealing. And indeed they are. I can drive, vote, do as I please and all those things I wished for as a child. And so our the benefits too as a mature Christian in our spiritual walk with Christ.

We must not savour being baby Christians for any longer than necessary. We have to learn to stand on our own feet. Yes, there are responsibilities that come with the territory. But we must grow in the things of God.

So what are the benefits of growing mature in Christ?
  • I know that I can come boldly to His throne with more confidence. I know my rights and my authority. No devil in hell can tell me any different.
  • I can pray more firmly within the will of God.
  • I can rebuke the devil and tell him to back off! I know what scriptures to quote at him because I feast on the Word.
  • I can tune in to Him as I read God's Word daily. God speaks to me through His Word.
  • I learn to recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit as He guides, counsels and instructs me.
  • I can stand more firmly in the face of adversity. The more rooted I am in Christ, the less likely I am to waiver, tossed backwards and forth.
  • My fear is replaced with faith. I witness the presence of God in my life and others. I am encouraged by my own testimonies and those around me.
  • I learn to recognise the schemes and wiles of the devil. I am less easily deceived.

And so on. The enemy will keep us from growing up. Lets not allow him to. Lets wean off the milk and start taking in some solids. Lets grow up, brothers and sisters. As we do we'll start witnessing the many benefits of being children of God!

© September 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

Don't Eat Your Seed!

Do farmers eat their seeds? Of course not. Seeds are a farmer's source of income. Every farmer knows that if they plant their seed in fertile soil, given time with a bit of tender, loving care, a harvest will come forth.

Seeds are a farmer's paycheck. Seeds are a farmer's future. Seeds are a famer's investment. No matter how tiny these seeds may be, something worthwhile, something enormous even and tangible can come out of them. So, what are you doing with your seeds? Have you invested your future?

"What seed? I am not a farmer" you say. Oh, yes you are a farmer. God has given everyone the ability to farm. Farm your future. And as for what your seeds may be - yes my friend, you do have seeds. The ones your Heavenly Father have placed in your hands. That gift, that talent in you.

"But I still don't know what it is", you cry. Then prayerfully ask your Father. Look too at what you enjoy doing. Therein lies your seed. That burning desire, passion, ability. That 'thing' you apparently seem to do at ease. Tell the devil that no-one is without a seed because he will sure want to place doubts in you. Seek it and find it. If you don't try to find what God has packaged within you, then you may be eating your seed!

Please don't eat your seed. Plant it like the good farmer you already are. Wait a while and watch your Heavenly Father bring forth a bountiful harvest from it. You cannot reap what you don't sow. So get sowing. It may be your passage to your future!

© September 2006